PTFE produkter

Vi kan leverera dig ritningsdetalj i PTFE produkter på mindre än två veckor om det behövs.
PTFE är ett material med många goda egenskaper såsom värmetålighet, låg friktion och hög kemikaliebeständighet. Det finns dock ett flertal tillsatser man kan använda för att förbättra önskade egenskaper ytterligare. Men det krävs noggrant övervägande då tillsatser kan försämra vissa av PTFE´s goda standard egenskaper. Vi har PTFE 100% rent eller med olika fyllningar eller blandning av fyllningar.

PTFE produkter

De vanligaste är: Kol, Glasfiber, Grafit, Brons men det finns fler. Fråga vid behov. Vi kan leverera Ptfe detaljer efter ritning. Eller som duk, rör eller stång. Vi levererar även expanderad PTFE på rulle eller duk, se under rubriken Softseal. Fyllningarna kan även blandas med varandra för förbättrade allroundegenskaper.

Olika fyllning och dess egenskaper

Glass Fiber: Milled glass fibers have the least effect on chemical and electrical properties and add greatly to the mechanical properties of unfilled PTFE. Addition of glass improves compressive properties by as much as 40% and improves wear resistance greatly. These compounds resist acids and oxidation but can be attacked by alkali.
Graphite: Graphite has good chemical resistance to corrosive environments and exhibits good initial wear and rubbing/sliding characteristics in dry and water applications. Commonly blended with carbon and PTFE.
Bronze: This filler has better wear, creep resistance, and higher thermal conductivity than glass fiber with PTFE. The compound is easily machined, but has poor chemical resistance in the presence of acids and alkali. Useful in applications which undergo high mechanical loads or high-speed rubbing contacts where the bronze filler supplies the strength and conductivity to carry away excess, unwanted heat.
Molybdenum: Disulfide This filler is used frequently in combination with others to increase surface hardness, stiffness, and to reduce the starting coefficient of friction and steady-state wear. Its effect on electrical and chemical properties is negligible.

Carbon: Carbon has good chemical resistance to corrosive environments. It exhibits good initial wear and rubbing or sliding contact characteristics, both dry and water applications. It is frequently used in piston rings to reduce cylinder wall wear by entrapping abrasive foreign particles in their relatively soft surfaces.

Vi finns även med på Industritorget.